Are vaccines really safe ?

When you googled about, why we need to take vaccines ? or, are vaccines safe? or, about what are these vaccines ? you should understand why are vaccines have come on the earth. Do they really protect us from some diseases ? Do they really make us super human being, or they are just for profiting pharma companies.
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To clear off your apprehensions, let's see what is a vaccine in a fun way..

During our school days, we studied that there exist two beautiful worlds around us, one is Micro world and other the Macro world, what we currently see. As diverse as the macroworld the Microworld is full of different species like alien universe.....Imagine there are tinest human beings, tinest plants, tinest dogs etc.,
which are chemically same , but structurally and functionally different.

 Like the plants we see now are from microworld bacteria, and insimilar to our daily interaction with other social beings, there is a complex communication going on down there which are invisible, not understable to our minds. 

  As there are good and bad around us, the same can be seen in microworld, there are good bacteria, bad bacteria, for example the tasty yoghurt you eat daily are full of good bacteria which help in digestion.similarliy there are typhoid bacteria which is dangeroud and causes food poision , similarly there are some viruses which are good and some as bad, 

Vaccines are something like dead evil viruses/bacteria depending on the disease. In simple terms it is as goood as nothing , infact the dead virus is not dangerous , but the material in it or the surroundig material of the dead virus or bacteria makes a bit dangerous, So there are safety studies in animals , to remove apprehensions that it  is safe and it didnt cause any harm to animal.
Dead Bacteria Cartoon Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Once the dead or live attenuated virus or bacteria is injected to the body , our cells recognise those as foreign invaders , something like an airport scanning, if found somethign susoiscious they are surrounded by task force cells , similar to the police surrounding the suspect and start activating alarm , thus activating other cells to come to the suspect  and finally produce necessary neutralizing molecules which are called antibodies to neutralise the threat, similar to adding cuffs to the decoy or killing the suspect with some weapon or tazering the suspect with electric gun.  Here comes the inetersting part, as the virus is as good as dead in vaccine the policmen cells still recognise them as foreign and start reacting to that and try to protect the city(here body) in future if there is any live virus that enters the city(body). Thus vaccines in always help to keep our body safe from the real threat when encountered. In similar to this coronvavirus vaccine consists of dead virus , when injected our cells  make sufficient preparations like increasing the defense by making some suitable weapons(antibodies) if the real and live virus enters into the body then the policemen  cells direclty kill the virus on the spot.

Pin on Julian's infectious disease board  Engineering the Immune System // Bond Life Sciences Center

what if we dont take vaccine.
It will be a disaster, something like this there will be a world ware between the virus and our policemen ceells. majority of the times virus invadess all the cells and thus the policemen cannot control the population nor they have sufiicient ammo to kill the virus. Thus its important to take vaccine and prevent the city(body) from the virus invasion.

Hope you liked my post, if yes kindly share .. Happy learning !!

science story teller.
